Chrysalis GirlPower
we don't just create mentors.
we build community leaders.
GirlPower is an initiative to help end inter-personal violence in Greater Des Moines. The program provides a series of 5 healthy relationship education sessions for girls participating in Chrysalis After-School groups. Chrysalis staff administer the program, provide training to GirlPower High School Mentors, and manage an evolving curriculum designed to build skills in healthy self awareness and self management.
GirlPower Peer Mentors are provided a stipend for their training and teaching time. Potential GirlPower High School Peer Mentors are identified through a nomination process followed by an interview and offer to join the GirlPower Peer Mentor team. GirlPower Peer Mentor Alumnae also may participate as Senior Mentors after high school graduation, providing coaching and support to the team.
Lessons and activities are designed to help girls in grades 5-8:
- understand healthy vs. unhealthy relationships
- understand and build self-awareness skills
- develop skills to make positive, healthy life choices
- be more aware of violence in their community
- learn about ways to prevent future violence in their lives and communities
High school peer mentors gain skills to:
- model healthy behaviors
- educate and empower others
- develop leadership skills
- practice employment skills
- think critically and problem-solve