For Chrysalis, Safety is THE Priority

For Chrysalis, Safety is THE Priority

As we end our 30th year, we celebrate the progress Chrysalis has made. However, data and recent events show us that we have much more work to do. This week’s murder of a young Barnard College woman in a New York City park, October’s killing of a young black woman in her home in Fort Worth and last year’s murder of Iowa State University golfer Celia Barquin Arozamena are stark reminders that safety is one of the greatest underlying concerns putting girls and women at risk.

For Chrysalis, safety is the underpinning for life success of every girl and woman. Chrysalis defines safety as:

  • freedom from all types of violence
  • the ability to avoid danger, crime, and victimization
  • safe, healthy, and stable living conditions; and
  • access to food and healthcare 

Without safety, women and girls remain caught in a situation that limits any future possibilities. 

Unfortunately, a multitude of disadvantages cause girls and women to miss basic opportunities for advancement. Gender bias, poverty, poor mental health, racial inequality, lack of education and leadership opportunities, and many more factors come into play.

Often, the same women and girls face many challenges and barriers simultaneously, making problems even more complex. We call this intersectionality, and it informs the work of Chrysalis. 

Because every situation is unique, variables and interactions are unpredictable, and no solution fits all circumstances, Chrysalis uses emergent– or evolving – strategyHow?

emergent_strategy_for_complex_problems_measuring_social_impact_strategic_philanthropyWe build long-term relationships with schools, grantees, nonprofits, and community partners.

We use a compass (vision, adaptation, and direction toward a vision) rather than a map(unchanging plan with controlled results) in our work.

We continuously learn and adapt,based on evolving knowledge, research, and experience.

We deliver more than money – we provide training and coaching, we offer free strategic planning and board training, and we bring people and groups together to learn and partner – whether or not the group receives our funding.

This is “the business of Chrysalis” – to strengthen partners and services that improve our community by supporting girls’ and women’s success.

It’s what we’ve done for 30 years, and what we will continue to do for the next 30 years, and the next 30 years, and…