our focus is helping girls and women
chrysalis (kri'-sa-lis)
1. the protective covering during a period of growth
2. a transitional state
1. the base upon which something is built
2. an organization established for support of a specific cause
chrysalis: the foundation for girls and women
Daunting challenges including poverty, violence, bias, and lack of opportunity continue to diminish the well-being of girls and women. The work of Chrysalis has been to provide holistic assistance to the most effective organizations, providing proven solutions, to ensure all girls and women are safe, secure, educated, and economically empowered.

For girls and women, safety is freedom from all types of violence; the ability to avoid danger and victimization; safe and stable living conditions; and access to basic needs such as food and health care.

The security and well-being of a girl or woman are shaped by her physical, mental, and emotional health; positive relationships and connections to others; resilience, hardiness, and self-worth; and hope for the future.

Girls and women need a range of educational opportunities including school success, academic completion (high school, college, trade school), life and interpersonal skills, job skills, and employment readiness.

economic empowerment
Economic empowerment is about more than money - it is the ability for a woman to make and act on economic decisions, secure stable employment, earn sufficient income, and have the power to advance the economic status of herself and her family.